All politics is local, as Tip O'Neill pointed out, and nowhere is that more evident than the squeeze put on local food programs by the budget cuts coming out of Washington. We shouldn't be surprised, of course. The congress is determined to eliminate as many social programs as possible, and feeding the poor has always been anathema to Republicans. Food programs all over the country are being cut back as a result of FEMA having been forced to change it's formula to determine which of America's counties are eligible for government assistance.
Conservatives, rugged individualists that they are, don't believe in public assistance. They believe that they are self made, having "pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps." They believe this despite the fact that many, if not most of them, went to public school on public transportation, driven over public roads by government employees. Of course, public education is another thing that they'd like to eliminate, but that is another story. Not content to deny a man a fish, they also bristle at the idea of teaching him to fish, at least at public expense.
Fish tacos are easy to make. You start with fish, of course. A firm fish is best. You can grill it or fry it, depending on what you like best. I like to splash them with a little chili sauce.
I think the best idea for what fish to use is to use what fish you have. A fish taco is a tortilla with a fish in it. If you have plenty of money you can use sword fish. If you don't you can use cod or perch or pollack. Whatever is handy. I like to use the bottled chili sauce from the Asian store, but you can make your own, or use a more traditional Hispanic sauce.
The kind of tortilla you use is also up to you. I like using corn tortillas. I don't make my own. Every supermarket has them already made. I like to get the thick corn ones to make tacos in general. You can use one or two of the regular thickness too, if you want, or use flour. Fish tacos made on flour tortillas are good too. Whichever kind you choose, you should cook it briefly on both sides in a frying pan with a bit of oil or spray.
You should put the fish on the warmed tortilla, put on some salsa, whatever kind you like, and some shredded lettuce. You can also use coleslaw or shredded cabbage. I like to squeeze lemon juice on top of my lettuce, although lime would probably be more authentic. I'm not interested in authenticity though. If I want an authentic taco I can go to a couple of dozen places nearby and get it. I can also get a lot of inauthentic taco's in the same general area.
When you get done making your taco, it should look something like this:
It doesn't have to look like the picture of course. It can look pretty much anyway and still be delicious. You can also make them with shrimp, grilled or fried or boiled, however you like them, and with ceviche.
Invite someone to eat with you. Have a few beers.
You can discuss the cuts that are being made in local education budgets while you eat. It doesn't matter where you are, there are cuts being made.
If someone tells you that the federal budget is like the family budget, when there isn't enough money you have to cut back, tell them that's true, but a family will also try to raise revenue when the children are going hungry and the congress won't.
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